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Adobe after effects icon

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There are probably more poor quality and many downright wrong tutorials on YouTube now than there are good ones. You can hide all of the other columns.Īll of this is in the User Guide, but it is kind of hidden.Īs you learn AE make sure that you vet the people presenting tutorials and advice. The Layer Name/Source Name column is the only column that cannot be turned off.

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If you want to know the name of the original source file you can click on the Layer Name column to switch it to the Source Name column. If the square brackets are gone and you are looking at the Layer Name column then that layer has been renamed. The square brackets around a layer name mean that layer has not been renamed and you have the Layer Name column selected. Guide layers will preview, but they will not render. When you see that the layer has been set to a Guide layer and it will not render. The only other additional icon that may appear on a layer is one that looks a bit like # and is kind of cyan-colored. Turn off the track matte and both icons go away. The icons are there to quickly show you the source of the matte and the layer using the track matte when the Modes column is hidden. When you set up a layer as a track matte the square with the white dot icon is added and the layer below, the layer that is using the track matte gets the kind of gray * with a hole in it is the layer that is pulling transparency from the layer above. The shape layer is always represented as a star. Each source file type has its own icon with the exception that all video footage (avi, mov, mp4) will have the same icon. Video footage has a different icon than a still image.

Adobe after effects icon